On September 30, a new edition of the Hábitat 2024 Fair began in Valencia, the main international showcase of the Spanish habitat industry. At this important annual event, Karibian presented its latest novelties in rest. Discover our video summary, below.
We close this call with very good feelings.
During those days, Valencia became the center of creativity, trends and style with one of the most important events in the industry. From Karibian, we were present at this Contest where we presented new modern and innovative proposals, without losing our essence to create incredible comfort models.

In this Contest, #Karibian presented its new rest models at its stand where elegance and nature merged. Also, the incorporation of new technologies. Each of the attendees at Habitat could experience the comfort in first person, making it a unique experience. After a few intense days of meetings and visits, on Karibian’s part we only have words of gratitude.
We close this call with excellent feelings. We will announce new events very soon. We look forward to seeing you next year!
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